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First Robotics Coding for Dummies

A complete guide to FRC Java


What will the course cover here

How to get Started with Java

Video Explanations,

Code Examples

WPIlib help


A basic overview of Java

Hello World 

How to Use VS Code

WPIlib VS Code

Basic and advanced coding

Basic Drivetrain

How to use Joycons

What else can you do with VS code?



Welcome to FRC coding for Dummies, your go-to destination for beginner-friendly robotics and engineering resources. Whether you're just starting or seeking to enhance your skills, we've got you covered with an array of engaging videos and expertly crafted examples.

At FRC Java for dummies, we prioritize beginners, providing step-by-step guides and tutorials to ensure a smooth learning experience. Our video library offers a diverse range of topics, making learning robotics enjoyable and accessible. Additionally, our team of experts has curated written examples tailored to various drivetrain types, catering to the unique needs of every robotics team.

Join us today and embark on an exciting journey into the world of robotics. Whether you aspire to build your first robot or fine-tune advanced techniques, our platform equips you with the knowledge and confidence to excel in the field of robotics. Let's innovate and create together, shaping a brighter future through the power of robotics!




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